Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 73982 REL 88: 1998-007-03 EXP GRANDE RONDE SUPPLEMENTATION O&M 2020
Project Number:
Grande Ronde Supplementation O&M on Catherine Creek/Upper Grande Ronde River
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Grande Ronde 100.00%
Contract Number:
73982 REL 88
Contract Title:
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Contract Description:
To preserve the genetic variability and enhance the population size of the depressed spring Chinook salmon populations in Catherine Creek and the Upper Grande Ronde River using a hatchery program based on the indigenous stock.

RPA 177: In 2002, BPA shall begin to implement and sustain NMFS-approved, safety-net projects.  All of the deliverables contained in this statement of work will apply to this RPA.


The ceded lands and usual and accustomed fishing sites in northeast Oregon of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) include areas where fish and wildlife populations have been negatively affected by the construction and operation of mainstem Columbia and Snake River dams. CTUIR is seeking restoration of these populations.  

The CTUIR, Nez Perce Tribe (NPT), and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) are cooperating in a Grande Ronde Endemic Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation Program (GRESCSP) to increase natural production and eventually allow harvest of spring Chinook salmon in the Grande Ronde River basin. This integrated salmon program uses captive and conventional broodstock artificial propagation components in order to prevent extinction, supplement natural production and restore productive fisheries in currently underutilized habitat in the Grande Ronde River basin. A comprehensive plan developed by comanagers to more functionally combine and integrate the captive brood and conventional components of the program was completed in 1998. All aspects of the GRESCSP are fully integrated with the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan (LSRCP).  Project activities are incorporated into the LSRCP/BPA Annual Operations Plan.

The GRESCSP is an extension of the LSRCP which has temporarily changed the emphasis of its spring Chinook programs from mitigation to conservation.  Grande Ronde Basin tributaries currently being targeted for spring Chinook supplementation under LSRCP include the upper Grande Ronde River, Catherine Creek and the Lostine River.  The primary focus of this project is the programs directed at Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River which lie within the ceded lands boundary of CTUIR.

The captive broodstock component of the program was initiated by NPT and ODFW in 1995 under initial funding from LSRCP.  CTUIR became involved in the program in late 1996.  Naturally-produced juvenile salmon are captured from three tributaries of the Grande Ronde River (Catherine Creek, upper Grande Ronde, and Lostine rivers) and then reared to maturity and spawned in captivity. Spawning of mature captive brood fish began in 1998.  Final rearing of these captive broodstock progeny occurs at Lookingglass Hatchery.  Smolts are then transferred back to their stream of origin for acclimation and release.

The conventional broodstock component of the program began in 1997 on the same three Grande Ronde tributaries.  Naturally-produced adult spring Chinook salmon are captured at weirs on these tributaries and taken to Lookingglass Hatchery for spawning. CTUIR operates the adult collection weirs in the upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek for population monitoring and collection of conventional broodstock. Due to low numbers of returning adults, no conventional broodstock were spawned from either Catherine Creek or the upper Grande Ronde River until 2001.  As with the captive brood portion of the program, final rearing of the conventional progeny is expected to occur at Lookingglass Hatchery.  Smolts will then be transferred back to their stream of origin for acclimation and release.

CTUIR operates juvenile acclimation facilities for spring Chinook salmon in the upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek. The first juveniles produced from the program were1998 brood captive brood progeny which were acclimated and released in 2000. Our current annual smolt production goal at the Catherine Creek facility is 150,000 and our annual smolt production goal at the upper Grande Ronde is 250,000.

BPA-Furnished Property

BPA will provide all required water right permits from Oregon Water Resources (water rights) and instream work permits from the Division of State Lands for all facilities.

1. Catherine Creek acclimation water right and intake maintenance
2. Catherine Creek adult weir maintenance.
3. Upper Grande Ronde acclimation water right and intake maintenance.
4. Upper Grande Ronde adult weir maintenance.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Documentation and assistance to support BPA's Environmental Compliance Group. A: 165. Obtain Permits and submit copies to BPA NEPA group 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
2018 Annual Operation Plan B: 174. Produce 2020 Annual Operating Plan 03/01/2020 01/21/2020
Acclimate BY 2018 Upper Grande Ronde River spring chinook and collect and spawn BY 2020 adult broodstock. C: 176. Operate juvenile acclimation and adult broodstock capture facilities in the Upper Grande Ronde Basin. 09/15/2020 09/09/2020
Acclimate BY 2018 Catherine Creek spring chinook and collect and spawn BY 2020 adult broodstock. D: 176. Operate juvenile acclimation and adult broodstock capture facilities in the Catherine Creek Basin. 09/15/2020 09/09/2020
Environmental conditions, fish numbers, fish condition, PIT tag information, fish spawned E: 157. Collection of data at facilities 09/15/2020 09/15/2020
Data Analysis of Current Data Collection For Management Decisions F: 162. Data Analysis For Management 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
Maintain Upper Grande Ronde facilities G: 61. Upper Grande Ronde Facility Maintenance 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
Maintain Catherine Creek facilities H: 61. Catherine Creek Facility Maintenance 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
Maintain La Grande Shop/Office. I: 61. La Grande Office/Shop Maintenance 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
Send weekly reports to co-managers during periods of acclimation and adult facility operation J: 161. Weekly Facility Activities Reports 09/15/2020 09/15/2020
Attend meetings for project implementation K: 191. Coordination of Project Activities 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
Manage and Administer project L: 119. Annual Budget Package/Accrual Reports/Provincial Review 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
Completed Annual Report M: 132. Submit 2019 Annual Report - January 2019 - December 2019 03/15/2020 02/03/2020
Submit BiOp RPA Report in Taurus N: 202. BiOp RPA Data for CY 2019 Report 03/15/2020 03/13/2020

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 176 Produce Hatchery Fish
  • 3 instances of WE 61 Maintain Artificial Production Facility/Infrastructure
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 1 instance of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Obtain Permits and submit copies to BPA NEPA group
B 174 Produce 2020 Annual Operating Plan 10/17/2019
C 176 Operate juvenile acclimation and adult broodstock capture facilities in the Upper Grande Ronde Basin. 09/09/2020
D 176 Operate juvenile acclimation and adult broodstock capture facilities in the Catherine Creek Basin. 09/09/2020
E 157 Collection of data at facilities 10/17/2019
F 162 Data Analysis For Management
G 61 Upper Grande Ronde Facility Maintenance 10/17/2019
H 61 Catherine Creek Facility Maintenance 10/17/2019
I 61 La Grande Office/Shop Maintenance 10/17/2019
J 161 Weekly Facility Activities Reports
K 191 Coordination of Project Activities
L 119 Annual Budget Package/Accrual Reports/Provincial Review
M 132 Submit 2019 Annual Report - January 2019 - December 2019
N 202 BiOp RPA Data for CY 2019 Report
O 185 Quarterly Status Reports